Steven Burke, UBM Editor Pete is one of the top operations-oriented solution provider [...] Steven Burke, UBM EditorDev2023-05-10T04:27:30+00:00
John Marks Pete's commitment to technology and solution selling coupled with his [...] John MarksDev2023-05-10T04:27:31+00:00
Kevin Gilroy, Executive Vice President – Samsung Electronics One of the best IT Industry exec's I knew. Pete [...] Kevin Gilroy, Executive Vice President – Samsung ElectronicsDev2023-05-10T04:27:31+00:00
Arlin Sorenson, CEO and Founder of Heartland Companies Pete is a no nonsense guy that puts his experience [...] Arlin Sorenson, CEO and Founder of Heartland CompaniesDev2023-05-10T04:27:31+00:00